INTEGRA Pregnancy
The INTEGRA Pregnancy solution focuses on developing useful and realistic telehealth services for pregnant women.
A study out of the Mayo Clinic evaluated the efficacy of self-monitoring (weight, fundal height, blood pressure, fetal heart rate), text-based communication between care team and patient, and an online community. The study found many benefits of the telemedicine mode.
Benefits of INTEGRA Pregnancy:
Increased sense of control and reassurance
Gestational diabetes (GDM) is now a global health problem. Poor blood glucose control during pregnancy may lead to maternal and neonatal/foetal complications. INTEGRA offers new technical support for the clinical care of GDM
Supportive partnerships between care team and pregnant woman
Increased patient satisfaction
Less time away from work
Increased health professional engagement and satisfaction
General Objectives​
Provide easy-to-use instruction and feedback on care processes and to respond to potential emergency situations
Provide intelligent analysis and reasoning to remove some of the burden of information interpretation and analysis by health professionals
Include consultative support for the care organization and other organizations involved in implementing the solution
Provide easy and personalized health professional access to information
The solution is composed from four main components:

Pregnant Woman App and Connectivity:
Data analyzing and coaching app for smartphones, linked to the Wearables/Sensors, if needed. It is a user-friendly, integrated mobile solution to leverage pregnancy self-care, and monitored care. Since many women do not recognize the value of self-care and daily health monitoring, INTEGRA Pregnancy will also motivate the user through integrated condition validation, tailored interfaces and health status questionnaires (PRO).

Connectivity to Portable Ultrasound - for Hight Risk Pregnancy:
All sensors enabling for frequent and autonomous measuring. It uses sensing devices and communication technologies to measure several clinical variables of Cardiology patients considered essential by expert cardiologists, such as physical activity levels, weight, blood pressure, pulmonary congestion, heart rate and rhythm, and therapeutic compliance.
Communication/Intelligence tools:
A system intelligence component to support the automatic analysis of the data aggregated from the sensors, and communication between patients, formal and informal caregivers. It enables patients and their health professionals to define their interests and receive valuable information from different sources.
Mobile and Web Portals:
A mobile and web application serving as the front-end for health professionals and family members (if permissioned), each with different access permissions. It is tightly integrated with the intelligence tools and will enable the health professionals to access the patient's medical data, and a dashboard of alerts. The portal will also provide a personalized news feed to the care givers, which will highlight important events, such as the changes in the patients’ vital signs and alerts raised due to classifications
All components are integrated into one system – delivering a full solution for remote-monitoring of pregnant women patients.
These are the steps of use of the system:
pregnant woman engages daily with the APP, and if high pregnancy takes an ultrasound test once a week - or when ordered by the health pofessional.
Using Bluetooth, data is automatically transferred to the central data base
Data base triggers the intelligence tools who then read data, and analyze the data according the ObGyn Medical Rules (INTEGRA “Rule Engine”) that have been inserted to the system by the medical team (differs by client)
The intelligence tools take “action” (INTEGRA “Action Engine”) – per the actions that have been associated to each condition that has been analyzed by the Intelligence tools.